What is Sales Productivity?

In spite of all the efforts put in, of sales representatives are able to exceed their sales targets. This can be directly correlated to sales productivity, which measures how quickly your team members can achieve their goals. Just like any other measure of productivity, sales productivity can be determined by the results produced compared against the resources utilized. 

In simple terms, the sales productivity formula is a ratio of how much sales you close to the amount of work put in for making these sales. 

Sales representatives have to overcome multiple sales productivity challenges before they see any results. From challenging prospects to the stress of not being able to meet targets, most salespeople struggle with the same question.

Give your team a productivity boost with Salestack CRM

Salestack has been helping sales teams of all sizes across the world to improve their everyday productivity. From capturing leads to closing deals, set up your sales team for success by giving them time to do what they do best—sell.